Here you will find my general website about the Feldenkrais Method and its application.

Mozarteum University
The website for the Mozarteum University Salzburg, where you can find information about the Special Course Programme, including the course “Feldenkrais for Musicians”.
The Brentano String Quartett (New York) is an internationally known and critically acclaimed string quartet, whose 1st violinist, Mark Steinberg, is a keen advocate of the Feldenkrais Method (see “Statements” under the link: CV) and with whom I have had the pleasure of working. (In German)

Literature on the Feldenkrais Method for Musicians

Moshé Feldenkrais

Awareness Through Movement: Health Exercises for Personal Growth
(Introduction to the method with 12 lectures, detailed and good to follow)

The Elusive Obvious
(a small book, easy to read)

The Potent Self: A Guide to Spontaneity
(about development in our society and for all who seek a profound and more extensive knowledge about the theoretical background of the method)

Body and Mature Behaviour
(very similar to The Potent Self. It was Feldenkrais’ first publication, in 1949)

Frank Wildman

Feldenkrais: The Busy Person’s Guide to Easier Movement, The Intelligent Body Press 2006
(short lectures for every day – for people who have attended a Feldenkrais course already)

Steven Shafarman

Awareness Heals, Perseus Books 1997
(long lectures, very detailed)

Nelson, Blades-Zeller

Singing with Your Whole Self: The Feldenkrais Method and Voice, Scarecrow Press 2002
(short lectures but not combined with voice, good comments for singers)

Calais-Germain, Blandine

Anatomy of Movement, Eastland Press 2008
(very good book for understanding the functional relationships in our body)

Anatomy of Breathing, Eastland Press 2006
(all about breathing)
